Policy Under Review | CAPM
Campus Review: CAPM 407.690 | Overlapping Steps
Comments Due: 11/18/2024
Send Comments To: apo@ucsc.edu
October 18, 2024
RE: Formal Review of Proposed Revisions to CAPM 407.690: Overlapping Steps
Dear Colleagues:
I invite comments on proposed revisions to Campus Academic Personnel Manual 407.690: Overlapping Steps. The proposed revisions address concerns about ladder rank faculty and teaching professor appointees being prematurely subject to salary limits at barrier steps. This policy also applies to the Adjunct Professor, Professional Researcher, and Project __ (e.g. Scientist) series.
Service at Assistant Professor, Step 5 currently counts in lieu of service at Associate Professor, Step 1, so that currently normal promotion is to Associate Professor, Step 2. An accelerated promotion is to Associate Professor, Step 3, a step that is meant for faculty who will be ready for promotion to full Professor in two years.
Likewise, service at Associate Professor, Step 4 counts in lieu of service at Professor, Step 1, so that normal promotion is to Professor, Step 2. An accelerated promotion is to Professor, Step 3, leaving nine years to build a record for advancement to Step 6 instead of the normative fifteen years.
Salary limits at Associate Professor Step 4, Professor Step 5, and Professor Step 9 (CAPM 803.620.C.1.) exist to reduce cases of salary inversion, in which those who have achieved promotion/ step 6/ above scale are paid less than faculty who have not achieved these milestones after normative time.
The proposed revisions will make time at Assistant Professor, Step 5 and Associate Professor, Step 4 not count in lieu of service at the overlapped steps at UCSC. Normal promotion from an overlapping step will be to Step 1 in the higher rank, with an off-setting amount of salary awarded as an off-scale increase. An accelerated promotion from an overlapping step will be to Step 2 in the higher rank, with an off-setting amount of salary awarded as an off-scale increase. The total salary outcomes of promotion from overlapping steps will be the same as before the policy change, while the general step movement will leave more time for continued advancement within each rank.
Redline and clean policy versions are attached and available online at https://apo.ucsc.edu/policy/policy-under-review.html. Comprehensive examples are also included.
Please direct your feedback to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu no later than November 18, 2024.
Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Academic Personnel Office
Academic Senate Office
Department Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
407.690 Overlapping Steps New Redline.pdf
407.690 Overlapping Steps New Clean.pdf
Example Promotions from Overlapping Steps.pdf