Communications | Salary Administration
UC Santa Cruz 2022-23 Academic Salary Program for Senate Faculty and Related Titles
October 06, 2022
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to announce the salary program for senate faculty and related titles, including a four percent general increase and a special salary equity program, effective October 1, 2022. This follows on my June 14 announcement of the overall UC Santa Cruz 2022-23 Academic Salary Program, which included information on other academic titles.
General increase for senate faculty and related titles: UC salary scales for senate faculty and related titles will increase by 4% effective October 1, 2022. The campus is extending this increase to include off-scale components, and above-scale salaries. Unless otherwise stipulated in appointment or retention agreements, appointees active in the following title series as of October 1 are eligible for the increase: Professor and Teaching Professor (Lecturer with Security of Employment), including Acting titles; Astronomer; and Adjunct Professor.
Special salary equity program for senate faculty: As directed by UC President Michael Drake, and designed in consultation with the Academic Senate and the Santa Cruz Faculty Association, we are also implementing a one-time salary equity program for senate faculty. I am grateful for discussions with the faculty association, which helped improve the salary equity program. The program is designed to address campus salary inequities by raising the salaries of eligible faculty who are currently below the campus average target for their scale, rank and step.
A detailed description of the 2022 Senate Salary Equity Program is included in the attached PDF. Please direct questions to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu.
Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Chancellor Larive
Senate Chair Gallagher
AVC Budget Analysis & Planning Register
Budget Director McCafferty
Vice Provost Academic Affairs Lee
AVP Academic Personnel McClintock
Academic Senate Office
College Provosts
College Academic Managers
Department and Program Chairs
Department and Program Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators