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Communications | Salary Administration

2021-22 Academic Salary Program

 June 22, 2021


Re: UC Santa Cruz 2021-2022 Academic Salary Program

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to announce that the campus will implement a three percent general increase to academic salary scales in 2021-22 for senate faculty and other policy-covered (non represented) academic personnel. The new scales are effective July 1, 2021 for nonfaculty academic titles, and October 1, 2021 for faculty and student titles.

Senate faculty and related titles: The on-scale portion of senate faculty and related titles will increase by 3% effective October 1.  Unless otherwise stipulated in appointment or retention agreements, appointees active in the following title series as of October 1 are eligible for the increase:  Professor and Teaching Professor (Lecturer with Security of Employment), including Acting titles, Astronomer, and Adjunct Professor. 

Faculty administrators: Department chair and college provost stipends will increase 3% effective July 1, 2021. Other faculty administrators, including deans, may be considered for a merit increase in administrative salary or stipend of no greater than 3% based on meritorious performance.

Non-represented academics: The on-scale portion of non-represented academic salaries — including academic coordinators, supervisory librarians and researchers, and UNEX continuing educators — will increase by 3% effective July 1, 2021, unless otherwise stipulated in appointment or retention agreements or program terms. Supervisory librarians and researchers will receive additional adjustments to align the represented and non-represented scales, also effective July 1.

Graduate Student Researchers: Salary scales will increase by 3% effective October 1 (October 3 if on a biweekly pay schedule).

For above-scale appointees, the increase will be applied to the portion of the salary up to the campus limit. The 3% increase is approximate due to rounding. Increases will be reflected in the paycheck following the effective date.

Negotiated compensation agreements for recalled retirees, by-agreement appointees, visitors, etc. are subject to the discretion of the hiring authority and will not be automatically increased.  Salary increases for represented academic personnel are set by the terms of the collective bargaining agreements.

Please direct questions to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu


Lori Kletzer, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

CC:Chancellor Larive
Senate Chair Brundage
Budget Director Register
Vice Provost Academic Affairs Lee
AVP Academic Personnel McClintock
Academic Senate Office
College Provosts
College Academic Managers
Department and Program Chairs
Department and Program Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators

Last modified: Dec 09, 2024