Emeriti Rights & Privileges

The suffix Emerita/Emeritus/Emer. for other titles may be conferred, upon retirement, on other members of the Academic Senate upon recommendation of the Academic Senate to the Chancellor.

Entitled Rights

As stated in UC Regents Policy 1203 and APM 120-0, the title Professor Emerita/Emeritus/Emer. shall be conferred, upon retirement, on every Professor and Associate Professor, provided they retire within 120 days of separation.

Emeriti are entitled to a set of rights that includes:

  • Continued membership in the Academic Senate, with associated rights and privileges.
  • Continued membership in the academic department(s) from which they retired. (This does not include Bylaw 55 rights to vote on personnel actions unless the department has extended voting privileges to emeriti faculty.)
  • Eligibility to apply for Academic Senate grants.
  • Opportunities to participate in research or creative activities, service and teaching. (Serving as an instructor of record, supervisor or PI requires a recall appointment whether compensated or not.)


In addition, emeriti enjoy other retiree perks and services that are granted by the campus. These perks are reviewed each year and may be discontinued or changed, particularly due to budget constraints. Some enhanced perks for emeriti include:

Departments or divisions may also grant other perquisites to a retiree, including the use of space (when available), eligibility for computing support, or eligibility for compensated or uncompensated recall for research, teaching and/or service. Consult your home division for more information.

Additional Retirement Resources

The UC Retirement Handbook for UCRP Members, an authoritative publication prepared by the UC Office of the President.

Information on Retirement Planning and Retiree Perks and Services for staff and faculty, collected by the UCSC Retiree & Emeriti Center.

An annual series of pre-retirement planning workshops presented by the UCSC Benefits Office.

Last modified: Nov 21, 2024