Communications | Other Communications
Outside Professional Activities (APM 025) Annual Certification and Policy Reminders
July 07, 2020
By Grace McClintock, Assistant Vice Provost Academic Personnel
Dear Colleagues:
As the 2019-20 APM 025 reporting period has concluded, I write to remind faculty, deans, and faculty administrators about the requirement to document all APM 025 Category I and II activities in the Outside Activity Tracking System (OATS). The following policy reminders are especially relevant to the annual certification requirement and the summer period.
2019-20 Annual Certification
Those subject to APM 025 are able to certify their 2019-20 outside professional activities in OATS beginning July 1, 2020. The due date for certification is September 30, 2020.
Prior Approval
Prior approval is required to engage in an APM 025 Category I activity or to involve a student in an outside professional activity. This requirement is always in effect, even if the activity will occur during the summer months or while on leave, including leaves without salary. Prior approval for student involvement applies to students for whom the faculty member has, or expects to have, academic responsibility (instructional, evaluative, or supervisory).
Engaging in Category I and II Activities During Summer
During the summer period, academic-year faculty do not have restrictions on the number of hours for Category I and Category II activities unless the faculty member is receiving additional summer salary compensation from the University.
If an academic-year faculty member receives additional summer compensation, the limit on Category I and II activities is the equivalent of eight hours per week during the period in which such compensation is received. The 312-hour maximum during the academic year is distinct and separate from the equivalent of eight hours per week during the period in which summer compensation is received.
Academic-year faculty will use the “Summer Hours Info” section in OATS to manage and report the Category I and Category II activities they engage in while receiving summer salary.Faculty Titles Subject to APM 025
All faculty holding appointments of 50 percent or more in the Professor series, Adjunct Professor series, Astronomer series, and Lecturer with Security of Employment series are subject to APM 025.
Academic Deans are subject to APM 025 and the additional provisions included in APM 240-20.c.
Faculty administrators who have a 100% appointment are subject to APM 025 and the additional provisions included in APM 246-20.c.
Resources and additional information regarding OATS and APM 025 policy and procedures can be found on the UCSC APO OATS Webpages. Instructions for annual certification are posted on the Resources and Training page.
Log into OATS with your CruzId and Gold Password at the UCSC OATS portal page: https://ucsc.ucoats.org.
If you have questions regarding any information in this memo, please email oats@ucsc.edu.
CP/EVC Kletzer
Chancellor Larive