a person holding a touch pad and pen in with icons floating in the air above the screen

DivData Review

DivData online Review supports the hiring of academic titles and facilitates the academic review process for all nonstudent titles.

Questions? Trouble logging in? Email divdata-help@ucsc.edu

Module Overview

DivData Review facilitates the academic personnel review process for appointing and advancing nonstudent academics in accordance with UCSC campus policies.

Module Function in DivData

DivData Review provides workflow and routing support when appointing, reappointing and/or advancing an academic appointee.

  • During an academic appointment, DivData Review interacts with UC Recruit to facilitate the hiring process.
  • During a personnel action for reappointment/advancement, DivData Review integrates with DivData Biobibnet for faculty biobibliographic information and course history during an academic personnel action.

For more information about the biobibliographic information used by DivData Review, refer to the Campus Guidelines for Candidate Materials. These guidelines cover allowable and supported formats for submitting candidate materials as part of the review file.

Authorized users can access the system and its companion help site using the button at left.

Last modified: Nov 21, 2024