Communications | Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority for Academic Personnel Actions: Vice Chancellor – Student Affairs and Success
May 24, 2022
Division of Student Affairs and Success
Dear Akirah:
I hereby delegate authority to you for academic appointments in the following titles: Graduate Student Researcher; Tutor; Lecturer—Miscellaneous; Academic—Miscellaneous; Intern- Clinical Psychology; and Non-Physician Clinical Trainee. This delegation is effective retroactive to July 1, 2021.
Authority for tutors in Learning Support Services (LSS) may be redelegated to the LSS Director; all other titles may not be redelegated.
Recruitment, appointment, advancement, and timekeeping/ payroll processes for academic titles in the Division of Student Affairs and Success are supported by the academic personnel business office within the Division of Undergraduate Education. Questions about policies and procedures for academic employees should be directed to Elani Zissimopoulos, Assistant Vice Provost and Assistant Dean for Financial and Human Resources, at ezissimo@ucsc.edu.
Cynthia K. Larive
cc: VPDUE Hughey
CP/EVC Kletzer
AD/AVP Zissimopoulos
Academic Personnel Office