Communications | Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority for the Adjunct Professor Series
October 06, 2009
By David S. Kliger, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Dear Colleagues:
Last spring, I convened an Academic Personnel Process Work Group to evaluate existing campus practice, in order to suggest ways to improve, streamline and/or adjust information flow, assessments and services. This work group included faculty, staff and administrators. Many of the group’s recommendations included delegation of authority to the deans. Several of these recommendations require further consideration before they can be implemented. However, at this time, based on the recommendation of the work group, and endorsed by the Committee on Academic Personnel, I delegate to the Deans the authority to approve certain actions within the Adjunct Professor series.
Effective immediately, the final authority for personnel actions in the Adjunct Professor series will be changed to match the authority for personnel actions in the Professorial series. This authority includes the temporary authority granted for greater-than-normal merit actions delegated on June 25, 2009. This authority may not be further redelegated. Review by the Committee on Academic Personnel remains in place for all actions in the Adjunct Professor series.
The Chancellor retains authority for approving funding of more than 50 percent of the base salary of the appointment from State funds and approving requests for appointments at 50% or less to be fully state funded, as stated in CAPM 512.280.I, Limit on Funding from 19900 Funds. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Nancy Furber in Academic Personnel, ext. 9-4779, or at furber@ucsc.edu.
David S. Kliger
Campus Provost and
Executive Vice Chancellor