Communications | Appointment and Advancement
2024-25 Call for Academic Personnel Actions
May 01, 2024
By Grace McClintock, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Personnel
Dear Colleagues:
Re: 2024-25 Call and Calendar for Academic Personnel Actions
The 2024-25 Call, listing senate faculty and continuing lecturers scheduled for review next year, may now be accessed in DivData by departmental and divisional staff. The campus deadlines for 2024-25 are published in the Calendar for Academic Personnel Actions.
Department managers should run the Call report and share it with their chairs. Chairs should review the Call now and begin discussing review options with the listed candidates. Relevant policy information has been collected in the Summary of Review Eligibility reference page. Candidates who decide to undergo a different type of review in 2024-25 than what is suggested on the Call (e.g., promotion instead of merit increase) should promptly notify the department chair and manager.
Faculty at indefinite steps are only listed on the Call every five years, but may choose to undergo review as soon as the normative time at step (three or four years) has passed since the last successful review. Faculty at indefinite steps who are not on the Call should also promptly notify the department chair and manager if they wish to undergo review in 2024-25.
It is the responsibility of the department chair to make certain that there is an annual review of the status and performance of each faculty member in the department, and to ensure that candidates are receiving appropriate guidance, feedback, and mentoring, including those who are not on the Call. This is an opportune time for chairs and/or designated mentors to meet with assistant and associate professors and teaching professors to review research plans, service commitments, and teaching assignments, so that any adjustments can be made well in advance of the next promotion review.
Please be aware that there is new campus guidance available on two important topics related the review process for Senate faculty: 1) expectations for assessing community-engaged scholarship in the personnel process, and 2) updated and consolidated guidance regarding soliciting external letters.
It is important to also remind you at this time that the current contract between the UC and the AFT introduced a new option for Continuing Lecturers on Call in your department. A Continuing Lecturer who has received at least two consecutive positive merit advancements (following the initial Continuing Appointment), and is on Call for their next merit, may request to be reviewed for promotion to Senior Continuing Lecturer. Eligibility criteria and details may be found in CAPM 516.000.VIII. Please contact your Divisional Academic Personnel Office if a Continuing Lecturer in your unit is eligible and requests this review.
The Academic Personnel Office offers many opportunities for chairs, candidates, and support staff to learn more about the review process, including policy requirements, procedural best practices, and DivData Review system help. Please see our Advancement Trainings and Workshops for more information.
If you have any questions about the Call or the academic personnel review process, please contact your Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinator or the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu.
Grace McClintock
Assistant Vice Provost
Academic Personnel
Chancellor Larive
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Kletzer
Vice Provost Academic Affairs Lee
Academic Personnel Office Analysts
College Academic Managers
Committee on Academic Personnel
Department and Program Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators