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Policy Under Review | APM

Systemwide Review: APM 016 | University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline

Comments Due: 06/28/2024

Send Comments To: apo@ucsc.edu

May 20, 2024


Re: Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 016 – University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline

Dear Colleagues:

The University invites comments on proposed revisions to the above-referenced systemwide academic personnel policy. The proposed revisions address the handling of simultaneous academic misconduct investigations and personnel actions.

Please facilitate this formal review and comment process by reviewing the proposed revisions and submitting any comments to the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu, no later than Friday, June 28, 2024.

Summary of Proposed Key Policy Revisions – Systemwide Review

  1. Pause on Academic Personnel Review Actions: At the beginning of a formal investigation of alleged misconduct by a faculty member, if the Chancellor (or Chancellor’s designee) finds that any of the alleged misconduct is relevant to the assessment criteria for academic personnel review actions, the Chancellor (or Chancellor’s designee) may impose a no fault pause on any current or future academic personnel action (e.g., for merit, promotion, or advancement) of that faculty member. Locations are responsible for developing implementation procedures that address at what stage in existing local procedures the pause occurs and that identify the offices that have responsibility for providing written confirmation of the pause to the respondent, giving a respondent periodic updates on the status of the investigation, and for notifying relevant administrators of the beginning and end of the pause.
  2. Conclusion of the pause: The pause will end when the investigative and disciplinary processes are concluded. In the event of a disciplinary process following a formal investigation, the pause will end when a final decision is made whether to impose disciplinary sanctions. The academic personnel process may then proceed according to campus procedures.
  3. Assistant Professors in Year 8: If the investigative and disciplinary processes are not concluded by the beginning of the faculty member’s eighth year of service at the rank of Assistant Professor (or a combination of equivalent titles), the Chancellor is authorized to recommend to the President that the appointment be extended beyond the eighth year, in accordance with Regents Bylaw 40.3(c).

The complete text of the proposed revisions have been posted to the UC Office of the President’s website at Proposed Revised APM – 016. You can also find a link to this message and the UCOP policy page on the APO website at Policies Under Review.


Grace McClintock
Assistant Vice Provost
Academic Personnel

CP/EVC Kletzer
Chancellor Larive
Academic Senate Office
Administrative Records
Department and Program Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators

Proposed Revised APM 016 (Link to UCOP website)

Last modified: Jan 02, 2025